Remote ID

A Remote ID is a transmitter which continuously sends your ID number. Much like the licence plate on your car. This way the police will be able to receive your ID number and identifythe drone.  

We deliver a cheap RemoteID which fulfills these requirements. However this is not our preference. We would rather deliver a version with a online connection to an UTM. This way your RemoteID will be visable on and you can assume no other "normal" drones will be in your path. In addition to this, you can get real-time information via the app or website,, about zones which you are flying through or passing by. You will immediately know if you are allowed to (go) fly there.

And we are taking it even further. If one were to choose for the "auto flight pilot" in the app, then the drone will be able to fly a pre-planned route. When one is using the drone for fotography or fliming, one can completely focus on camera technique. Obviously one can take back control at any given moment.

Our RemoteID has 4 versions with different accuracies.

We are working with drone manufacturers in order to keep existing drones in the running. We are able to this by adding a tailored RemoteID to the existing drones, so they will be up to CE standards in 2022. For more information please contact us.

Consumers and companies can order a RemoteID within a couple of months. There will be a webshop added to


With a RemoteID one can probably continue flying after the new European laws are enacted on 1st of juli 2022. Although it is possible the drone had to be CE assessed.

Our RemoteID meets the 2022 CE requirements pertaining UAV. Complete endorsement differs per drone and depends on other CE requirements that drones need to meet (for example noise production). Make sure to check this, before buying a RemoteID. Our remote ID is optimised ro fly with our UTM system. Before and during the flight you will receive all relevant information on where and with what licence you are allowed to fly.