
With DroneRadar24 you can use our website or app in order to follow all legal and registered airtraffic, in the Netherlands, in the u-space.

DroneRadar24 is able to apply filters to the map of the Netherlands. This will be necessary when, in the future, there will be thousends of drones flying around. Ways to filter:

A drone can be selected on the map in order to view the RemoteID. Possibly also the pilotnumber, but that might not be allowed because of yet to be determined privacy standards. Aside from the pilotnumber, there is more data which has to be determined privacy standards. In the UTM Europe system the pilot (drone flyer) and the operator (drone owner) can determine themselves which information will be shared.

DroneRader24 is an advocate for openness. This is because we think the social acceptance of drones is very important. Information we would like to able the share would be:

Once again, the pilot and operator will be able to determine per flight which data they would like to share.

There is also the possibility to use your phone or tablet to look at passing drones and see the data. If the drone has no date, then it is probably a drone from class 0 (<250gr, no camera, <120 meter height and a maximum speed of 68 km/h) or, less likely, an illegal drone. Were you to have the suspicion that the drone is flying illegal and wish to report this, then there is a button avaliable in the app. DroneRadar24 logs the reports and sends them to the appropriate authorities (Police or Army), but we have no say in how they handle the situation.

In the UTM Europe system, you can enter your preferences via the DroneFlightPlanner.nl website or app. This is possible by entering your Postal Code or property information. After you enter your preferences and you log into the same account on DroneRadar24, then it is possible to report drones which ignore your preferences. If the pilot uses our UTM system, we can message them and remind them of your preferences. This way we hope to keep the (negative) inpact the drone will make on our society as small as possible.